Author Interview – Casey Mancino

Hey guys, here is the interview I did! Please check it out if you can.

Rachel Carrera, Novelist

I recently posted a Call to Writers, asking those of you who write to allow me to interview you for a guest spot in my blog.  I was overwhelmed by the response (and if any of you still want to participate, please contact me for details). I asked thirty-five questions and gave the interviewee the freedom to answer only what they wanted.  My friend and fellow-blogger, Casey Mancino, had some wonderful responses which I’m sure you will find as interesting as I did.  When you’re done reading the interview, please hop on over to Casey’s blog and make sure you follow her for more entertaining tales.  So without further ado, heeeere’s Casey…


1. Please tell us your name (or pen name) and a little bit about yourself:

My name is (gasp… guess this is no longer anonymous!) Casey Mancino. I’m a 23 year old writer that’s about…

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