Percy Jackson


Percy Jackson (series)
Author: Rick Riordan
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thoughts: Definitely Cute; I Was A Little Disappointed With The Conclusion; Entertaining, But Not Exactly Insightful; Worth A Quick Read

In my quest for entertaining Young Adult and Middle Grade fiction, it was only natural that I would feel compelled to read the Percy Jackson series. Probably one of the most successful series since Harry Potter, there isn’t a household of school-aged children I enter that doesn’t have a copy of this series.

While an enjoyable take on Greek mythology, modernized, and an entertaining, action-packed read, I wouldn’t say this series will change your life or anything. It’s cute. Percy is endearing, but it lacks any enduring philosophy for future generations.

Annabeth, Percy’s best friend, is a little bit annoying, if not overly-unrealistically-intelligent, I sometimes found her a little too perfect to buy. Her role in the final book, The Last Olympian, is a little bit frustrating, if not downright sad. Why make apoint of making this girl so great, only to turn her into somewhat of a moody brat in the last book? I know Riordan was aiming for a bit of a jealousy aspect, (why do we always have to have a love triangle?!) but I couldn’t help but feel it was all a bit contrived.

I think the part of this series that frustrated me the most was the strange way time is spaced between each book in the series. Sometimes Riordan picks up again in the strangest spots so that I can’t help but feel like I’ve missed something (and perhaps I have, Riordan produced a strange array of marketable work to promote the movie franchise. Sad to see that interfere with his work, but who can blame him? It’s the business). I felt like, at the beginning of almost every book, I had no idea where or what we had suddenly just picked up.

But Percy himself is redeemable enough for the whole series. He’s clueless and somewhat dim-witted, but he’s exactly what I’d expect from the narrative of a Greek hero. A lot of courage, and very little understanding. Some of his quips are pretty sweet, funny in almost a laugh-out-loud way. If I were still 14 I would definitely have had a little crush on him. He’s a good kid and a great role-model sort of character.

So, cute and entertaining, mixed with a Disney publisher, I’m not at all surprised this book has done as well as it has, but, in all honesty, I’m no die-hard fan. Not sure yet if I’ll bother with Riordan’s other series in the Camp Half-Blood franchise…


After a couple of months of ardent struggle over the last few chapters of my first draft, I kind of hit a break through this weekend.

Went to a “Shut UP and Write” group through where a bunch of writers get together to not talk and write for a straight hour in a coffee shop. This may sound like some sort of writer’s cliche, but honestly I really recommend trying this for anyone out there who has hit a wall. Maybe I respond well to peer pressure, but I wrote more in that hour than I have in months. And best of all, I wrote the (what seemed last week/month/year to be an impossible feat) climax.

So the first draft is, well, close to done. Really I have a few updates to do, and maybe a final chapter. But it’s… well, not so impossible anymore.

Clearly, I’ll be hitting up this writing group again next week. Afterwards we all sat around and talked writing and literature, and for once I didn’t feel like the most inept person in the room. In fact, I actually felt like I’d accomplished something. Like I actually knew what I was talking about!

Woah, that’s a new sensation.

So anyway, no matter what’s happened in my life since January, I can always remember this as the year I wrote my first book.

Now… for editing. Erk.

Green Apple Books (or Why San Francisco Is Going To Bankrupt Me)

I have an obsession with books. I think if I’d had more say in the matter that, when I moved two weeks ago, I would have left all my clothes in Florida and packed suitcases full of books.

My empty bookshelves remind me of my empty soul.

But then there’s Green Apple and, if I spend even five more minutes in this shop I’ll be toting around my bodyweight in literature and probably broke.

But really?! Who turns down a shiny, new Franzen for $4?!

I have a book problem. No, I won’t get help.

Book Review: Cuckoo’s Calling


Review of Cuckoo’s Calling
Author: Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling)
Thoughts: I Guessed The Ending, Not My Genre, Good Beach Read, (Sadly) No Harry Potter

I read a quote recently about Rowling’s writing style that described her as an average writer but a spectacular storyteller. I have to agree whole-heartedly. When you really technically break her style down, it’s unremarkable, lots of cliches, dreaded adverbs, basic sentence structure. But Rowling is probably the best story teller of a generation.

I read Cuckoo this week out of obligation and curiosity. I felt I owed it to the childhood version of myself to read every word Rowling has written because she’s changed my life, but, in all honesty, I was unenthusiastic. Noir/Mystery is not my genre, but I stole this from my senile grandmother and I had to get it back to her before she noticed the theft so… I read it pretty quickly.

I think what bothers me about Mystery is how formulaic it is. But the end of Cuckoo there’s really only two characters it could be (even Rowling’s narrative admits that to you), and, based on the genre, clearly she would go for the more shocking of the two. No one ever picks the guy they suspect all along as the bad guy in the novel. So… I called it.

As for Strike… I like him in his charmingly-gruff way, his whole tough guy routine, refusing to admit to being crippled. But I couldn’t help but think that Strike has been done before. I think, in honesty, Robin is the real gem in this novel. Aside from a cliche fiancé with a jealous bone, Robin is just a good woman. She’s feisty and smart and, mostly, fairly average. There’s a push for a romantic connection with Strike (obviously), but I find it weirdly feeble. I think it’s Rowling herself that loves Robin. She’s the Hermione of Cuckoo (the Rowling then, by extension). She’s the unsung hero.

So… I’ll say it’s worth a read if you need an easy read, but I’m not sure I’ll be following Strike to The Silk Worm.

Book Review: What’s all the Fuss About Divergent?


Author: Veronica Roth
Rating: Two Stars
Thoughts: Readable, but not life-changing; Another dystopian romance; I’m just not buying it (Literally)

I felt compelled to read Veronica Roth’s Divergent, mostly because I’d heard rumors that there was a rape scene and, well, when a book sweeps through the YA world, a young girl gets curious.

Roth has a very matter-of-fact way of writing, nothing unusual for her genre, which made for a quick, action-packed read. The premise is a bit thin (strong/fearless means you must be fairly dumb and cruel; intelligent means you must be greedy; caring means you must be meek? She doesn’t even talk much about the other two factions, at least not in this book) but enough to keep the pages turning even without much historical justification for this world. Her protagonist, in my personal opinion, was fairly lackluster though. The draw of seeing a young girl capable of great physical feats was done better in The Hunger Games, and by a more compelling narrator, too (and I’m not even a huge Hunger Games fan).

So what, I wondered, as I eagerly (yeah, I’ll admit it) flipped the pages of this book looking for the answer, had everyone so up-in-arms about this book?

Four, of course. It may be just me, but does anyone else find it a bit sad that the only thing that keeps young girls reading are feeble, unrealistic romantic connections? I liked Tris more before Four became her white knight. And I never quite saw what was so special about him, too. I mean, the boy hardly ever speaks. If she’s so badass that she’s top of her murderous, selfish class then why does she even need a protector?

But I’ll admit I was into it all until the ending. This books packs some biblical allegory with a tough punch, but Tris watches both her Mother and Father die with little more than a page of mourning and we’re supposed to believe it’s Four that she just can’t stand to kill?

How did we go from a girl remarkable for her ability to conquer her fears to a sniveling love-bug, making out on a train in 2.4 seconds? Serious thought: Has anyone ever witnessed this sort of teen-love in all these novels in real life? And while we’re at it, why are the intelligent people the bad guys? And if they’re so smart, why do none of them question this whole murder-plot except Tris’s brother, who has to be told to do so?

So I’ll just say, not worth the hype, but still worth a read if some 16-year-old loans it to you, but I won’t be seeing the movie or reading on. Sorry, Roth, but more power to you (Good luck with all the money!)!

Return of the Blog and Announcements

I had every intention of abandoning this blog as silly and useless. A wasteful dredge on my time, but I’m feeling isolated and sentimental about my move to San Francisco in two weeks so I thought, rather, I’d take this opportunity to shift the focus of this blog in a whole new direction just in time for my move.

So, alas, I am back.

Let me start with the new focus of my blog. I’d like to get a more set schedule going here with a bit more structure and a lot less chatting about my day. My day was boring, don’t worry. Writing is probably one of the least exciting physical activities of all time. A lot of type, type, bang head against hard objects sort of thing.

Anyway, the travels have subsided, blah blah that’s my personal life, who cares?

So what I’m thinking is this. When I’d originally planned this blog I wanted it to be a very collaborative platform for young writers to express… well, whatever they felt about writing. But I don’t know any young writers so it became more of a personal journey that went fairly awry.

Anyway, I still like that idea. Young writers, if there is anything you wish to share, even just word-vomit about how your mother doesn’t understand you, please feel free to message me or post in the comments. I’d love to make this a collaborative venture, if anyone is interested.

In the meantime, you’re stuck with only my writing ventures. So until I make friends, I’d like to set up a schedule of postings that go like this:

Mondays: A personal look at my own writing progress. Where Elysium stands or any of the multitude of projects I’ve been working on (or are soon to begin as my MFAW program nears a start).

Wednesdays: Actual content. This can be anything from a piece of fiction I’ve written to an interview, heck, maybe even some entertining literary analysis (yes, that’s a thing). Basically, anything pertaining to writing I can generate.

Saturdays: Short book reviews. I know this sounds incredibly dull… there are so many book reviewers on this site, but I assure I read a lot of very diverse books (from children’s lit to things I found in my grandmother’s garage) and I’m actually fairly scathing and snappy. That means absolutely no book summaries and plenty of spoilers. Hopefully, It will be fun. (Bear with me, ok?)

Sporadic: Rants and raves and (since I’m an egoist) lots of tales of personal woes, I’m sure. I’m a very whiny passionate person.

And that’s the new schedule. I’m hoping to find a groove here…

The good news is that I may or may not have finally finished Chapter 18 in Elysium today. I may finish this thing one of these days…

But I swear to god, if you even think the word “editing” I will punch you.

Edinburgh| Perfect Day


Today was probably the most beautiful day of all time.

I swear, when the sun is shining and it’s warm Edinburgh is the most beautiful place in the world. The park, every park, is full of people. It’s like everyone just calls into work and heads outside. “I’m sorry, I can’t come into the office today. The sun is too sunny to be inside.” What better excuse could there be?

Curled up in the grass with a book full of happiness. Aren’t all books, though?

I leave for Croatia first thing in the morning, 6:30 am flight. I’ve got that horribly sickening sort of excitement sitting in my belly. When you’re nervous because it’s gonna be new and interesting and scary.

Until then… Someone has put on True Blood (sorry, but… Horrible) and I’ve eaten my bodyweight in excellently spicy curry so…

Yep, good day.

I’ll message you from the road, friends.

Day Eighty-Five: God, I Love Bookstores

Normal tourists take pictures of sights and maybe some good views… I take pictures of book stores like a fan girl at a Harry Potter premier.

My cousins asked me while in Denver where I wanted to go last weekend, I remained apathetic for three days until I sniffed out a bookshop as we left the ice cream place. I made them both stand there while I explored my wonderland like a tiny Alice.


Finding great bookstores is like my special tourist talent. San Fran has some great things to offer… I’m so excited to make them my new homes. I spent most of my day wandering in awe around The Booksmith up on Haight Street (pronounced more like “hate” than “height”, I have learned like a shameful ignoramus). God, is there any sight more beautiful?


The store is practically plastered with staff recommendations. It has a whole children’s wonderland. They even have beautiful versions of the classics! I think my dream now would be to find my own book on their staff picks for the week… Maybe one day!

In other news I have picked my Grad School! California College of the Arts MFA Writing class of 2016 (wow, when did it become 2014?)! I hope everyone is as excited as me.

Now I must go bask in the splendor of my newest book. Isn’t it pretty?


A lovely day spent sprawled out in Golden Gate Park writing a stack of postcards and reading in the sunshine. Ah, now that’s my kind of touristing!>

Day Eighty: Denver (So Far)


Denver seems like one of the most chill and open places I’ve ever been. Went to Red Rocks (above) yesterday soon after my arrival (ugh… Early morning, discount flights!) and was just awed by it. I’m a huge fan of music, particularly classic rock, so there’s nothing quite like rocking with rocks… Bad pun, I’m sorry.

I’m visiting my cousins who are somewhat vegan so we are going pretty granola here which is a rude jolt for my body after all the fried foods of New Orleans. I guess I’ll have to get used to that in San Fran soon anyway.

I guess, my favorite part so far was while at dinner with my cousins last night, we got to talking about my book. They were all very interested and impressed.

I’ve been writing steadily since Mid-January and the book is so close to done, but still felt rather unimpressive to me… Talking with them about it was just wild though. They couldn’t believe I had actually done it… Couldn’t believe how complicated it is as they listened to me describe some of the themes and what I am going for. They all had very thoughtful input and were just so… Proud of me.

They made me feel really proud of what I’d accomplished so far. It was great!

Anyway, we are going hiking and to breweries today (apparently everyone and their mother has a microbrew here). I’m still adjusting to seeing snow on the ground in April, but I hear that hiking is the thing to do and the weatherman was wrong about the rain today so… I’m off to the mountains. Wish my out-of-shape ass luck!

Day Seventy-Six: Anatomy of an Awesome Bookshop


I grew up in a bookshop. I mean that quite literally.

My parents separated when I was about 5 and my siblings and I went to live with my mother. Every Monday and Thursday (and “every-other weekend” a phrase well-know to children of divorce), my father would pick up my siblings and I and take us to (at the time) the only restaurant in my home town, a sports bar where we ate buffalo wings bi-weekly, that shared a shopping center with a Barnes and Noble (which was also the only place to get coffee in my town).

I bought my first chapter book at that Barnes and Noble. My father would let us all run wild we would spread ourselves across the shop with our novels (back when Barnes and Nobles still had cosy chairs and couches). We were allowed one book a week, two if we bought one of those B&N classics because they were cheaper (and why, to this day, I’ve read mostly classics).

I love bookshops. Even chains. I know it’s cheaper these days to buy online, but the bookshop was a founding principle of my literary career. I hold on to them with romanticized nostalgia that no longer belongs in the digital world.

When I moved to New Orleans, I discovered a couple of really cool bookshops that have really worn a hole in my heart, but by far my favorite is an eccentric little place, crammed full of books called Blue Cypress Books. This place has every great aspect of a bookstore other than a reading room… Plus it’s adorable. So I thought I would break down the Anatomy of an Awesome Bookshop for you guys:

1) A lot of books. This is important because… well, obvious reasons. I want to feel like, when I’m in a bookshop, I am drowning in books. If an earthquake suddenly happened, I would like to think I’d be buried alive in there. I want all genres. Blue Cypress has an entire extra room just crammed full of Fantasy and Sci Fi (with a little bit of travel and, oddly, memoir squeezed in), a whole nook of Children’s Lit, and even a case or two of collectibles.


2) A really awesome staff. The thing I love most about Blue Cypress is that, while it’s so small it’s mostly staffed by it’s owner, she knows a lot about books. An adorable blonde woman who has read every book I’ve ever come in asking for, she and I never run out of literary subjects to discuss. They also do this really helpful thing where the staff all labels their favorite books. Once you get to know their tastes, it’s like a huge flashing sign telling you what you’d like to read next.

3) Some sort of adorable animal. I used to take the children I babysat to Blue Cypress to help me regain my sanity momentarily. They have an adorable cat there that the tots would chase around to their hearts content while I actually got a moment to pick books. Aside, from the one time I had to peel the terrified cat off the littlest’s head, this was my favorite thing. Plus, there is nothing like a cat rubbing against your ankle while you peruse the poetry section.


4) Fair pricing. I switched to used books soon after becoming poor. Let’s be honest, books are insanely expensive. (Plus, I love a well-loved book!) Even still, some used bookshops charge almost-new prices. No thanks… I want to fill my life with books, not empty my bank account. Bonus points if they offer rewards programs for book addicts like me.

5) Ideally, a couch. I used to sneak into my college library to take naps because they had chairs more comfortable than my dorm bed. I’m not saying, if my bookshop had one, I’d be snoozing there or anything (possibly, though), but I’m the kind of person who always reads the first chapter before they buy. An awesome, little reading room would really seal the deal for me.

6) Coffee. I don’t know why, but coffee and bookshops are inextricably linked. They just seem like they belong together–or maybe that’s just coffee and everything (or, better yet, books and everything). Granted, this is a bit of stretch for small bookshops, but I think coffee would turn a bookshop into my heaven.

7) Secret rooms. Another awesome bookshop in New Orleans (which, sadly, recently downsized and lost this feature) was in a cute little house that twisted its way towards the back. This was great. Nothing like getting lost in a little shop and finding yourself in the parallel universe that is Avant Guard Architecture or whatever random special interest you happen upon. Plus, this is the best place to hide with your shameful reads.

Bookshops will always be akin to my home, but if I had a bookshop with all of these things… I think they’d have to drag me out of there every night.

What about you guys? Can I ask you just one question: Do you feel literary? Well, do you?